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  • 1. 直接写出得数。

  • 2. 有12袋糖果,其中11袋一样重,另有一袋质量轻一些,用天平至少称 次才能保证找出这袋质量轻一些的糖果。
  • 3. 钟表的分针由3:15走到3:30,分针按 方向旋转了 °。
  • 4. 一段长方体木材长4分米,把它横截成4段后,表面积增加了6平方分米,这段木材原来的体积是 立方分米。
  • 5. 下面各图形中的阴影部分可以用0.3表示的是(        )
    A . B . C . D .
  • 6. 脱式计算,能简算的要简算。

              ②     ③

         ⑤         ⑥

  • 7. 下面四个容器中,体积最大的(        )
    A . B . C . D .
  • 8. 如图这个长方体的棱长之和是cm;它前面和后面的面积之和是cm2

  • 9. Excuse me, can you tell me which floor the vegetable/ˈsekʃn/ is on?
  • 10. 将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次

    A. Japanese  B. careful  C. countries  D. popular  E. with  F. because

    In Japan, people eat their foodchopsticks. At mealtimes, dishes are placed in the centre of the table. The traditionalfood mainly includes(包括) rice, fish and vegetables. Fish are the mostfood in Japan. And there is much other fresh seafood in the country. This is the country is near the sea. Japanese fishermen use modern (现代化的) fishing ways to catch fish and Japan is one of thethat catch the most fish in the world. As their food is so healthy, it is not surprising that most Japanese people can live longer.

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